When it comes to your health, you may not think something is wrong until you start noticing and experiencing symptoms. But really, symptoms occur long after a cell, organ, or system in your body has weakened and degenerated. 

When a cell, organ, or system is weakened we may not experience physical symptoms. This is the start of health falling under 100 percent function. Degeneration is when that cell, organ or bodily system remains weak. This leads to symptoms. Symptoms come after, once weakness and degeneration have occurred. Health needs to be corrected at this point to avoid further reduction of health and function. 

Many different health conditions have symptoms. For instance, diabetics may urinate often, lose weight, experience extreme hunger and thirst, have blurry vision, have numb or tingling hands or feet, feel tired, and have very dry skin. 

Symptoms of heart disease can include chest pain; chest tightness; chest pressure and chest discomfort; shortness of breath; pain, numbness, weakness or coldness in your legs or arms; and pain in the neck, jaw, throat, upper abdomen or back.

There are various treatments and remedies people can do to lessen symptoms. But treating symptoms isn’t the same as treating the cause. Treating the cause may require you to make some serious lifestyle changes.

For example, people with acid reflux of GERD have an unbalanced ecosystem in their gut, or gut microbiota (the microorganisms including bacteria, archaea and fungi that live in the digestive tract).

When it gets really bad, they experience the symptoms of heartburn, difficulty swallowing, regurgitation, and more. Your gut doesn’t get to this point just over night, it happens over some time after weakness and degeneration have already occurred. 

Knowing something is wrong with the bacteria in the gut, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat a patient with GERD. Antibiotics, however, kill all the bacteria including the good bacteria that is needed for proper function and health. Treating the cause rather than just symptoms would require other methods, more permanent ones rather than temporary fixes. 

In order to get rid of symptoms for good, relief and correction need to occur before health can be strengthened. Relief happens once action is taken to improve health. Experiencing relief doesn’t mean you’re cured or back up to 100 percent health/function though. And, although symptoms may subside, further action is needed to correct the problem. 

In the case of GERD, certain lifestyle changes can help improve the condition and fix the cause, an unbalanced gut microbiota. Prebiotics and probiotics will help lay a foundation for good bacteria to grow and feed that bacteria so it can cut out more of the bad bacteria. In addition, the proper diet will provide the body with the nutrition it needs to repair itself and function better. Changes in eating habits and other lifestyle habits might take more work, but can be much more effective as well as safe in terms of treatment/correction.  

After you have taken responsibility for your health and implement the necessary changes in all aspects of your health, whether that may be through good nutrition or better lifestyle habits, you’ll start to experience relief and then correction. 

Relief only happens when you have taken action to improve your health, and continue to do so. Symptoms may have subsided, but health still may only be around 40 or 50 percent function.

Further action will allow your health to improve and correct the problem that caused the original weakness and degeneration. To get back to 100 percent function and 100 percent, you’d need to continue to strengthen your health to maintain and improve cell, organ, and system performance.