Typically when you think of feeling blue you think sad, down, worried, etc. But did you know in some cases feeling blue is actually good? When it comes to phytochemicals, blue is good!
Now you’re probably wondering what phytochemicals (also known as phytonutrients) are.
Harvard Health teaches:
“Phytochemicals are literally plant (phyto) chemicals: compounds in plants (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes) that contribute to their color, taste, and smell. They give carrots their vibrant orange hue, Brussels sprouts their bitter taste, and hot peppers their searing bite. Phytochemicals are found in all edible parts of a plant, especially the skin or peel.”
That sounds so awesome, doesn’t it? Phytochemicals give plants unique characteristics and also give us awesome health benefits!
As you can tell by the title of this article, we are here to focus on blue phytochemicals. Plants with blue phytochemicals are not as common so people might not eat them as much.
The reasoning behind blue and purple fruits and veggies is from the phytochemical called anthocyanins. Gentle World defines, “Anthocyanins act as powerful antioxidants protecting cells from damage.”
Your cells are highly likely to get damaged at some point so eating fruits and vegetables with anthocyanins can be very beneficial.
What can you eat to get anthocyanins?
- Berries
- Blueberries, blackberries, boysenberries, huckleberries, and marionberries
- Figs
- Grapes
- Prunes
- Purple cabbage
- Purple carrots
- Eggplant
- Black olives
- Plums
- And more!
Why should you eat anthocyanins?
There are several benefits that can be received from eating a variety of phytonutrients. Anthocyanins are known to support or help with:
- Support healthy blood pressure
- Lower risk of heart disease
- Boost memory function
- Reduce risk of cancer
- Encourage healthy blood vessels
- Improve aging process
- Increase motor skills
- Prevent build-up of bacteria
Anthocyanins are just one of sooo many! They have amazing health benefits and can be found in tasty plants. So start feeling blue today, in a phytochemical way!
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