Summer is a great time of year! The weather is nice, everyone seems to be in a good mood, there are lots of barbeques and activities, and the list could go on and on. With all of these fun times, often come some problems as well. We are here to address common summer problems and tell you the most natural ways you can get rid of them!


<span>Photo by <a href="">FOODISM360</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a></span>Getting a sunburn is probably one of the most common problems that people are faced with during the summer. A popular way to treat sunburn is with aloe vera. We love growing aloe vera plants and lathering the sap directing onto our skin. Another great natural treatment is taking an oatmeal bath. Oatmeal is anti-inflammatory and can help soothe a sunburn. Sunburns are a very common thing and there are many natural sunburn remedies.

Mosquito Bites

We all know the annoying itch and swollen bump that appear after getting bit by a mosquito. Itch creams tend to only have temporary relief and are full of chemicals. A great remedy for mosquito bites is to put on a dab of honey. Honey is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. It will also most likely keep you from itching because who wants to make a sticky mess. Another way to get rid of the itch and inflammation is to combine baking soda and apple cider vinegar into a paste. This helps to neutralize the pH levels and relieve the itch.

Motion Sickness

<span>Photo by <a href="">Don Shin</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a></span>Whether it’s from a long car ride, a wavy boat ride, or a spinny ride at an amusement park, sometimes motion sickness comes up. Feeling nauseous is not fun but luckily there is a natural way to relieve this feeling. Healthline explains that ginger is able to do this because it, “… has anti-inflammatory properties and may improve digestion and support the release of blood-pressure regulating hormones to calm your body and reduce nausea.” Motion sickness is common but ginger is a natural way to safely calm nausea.

Poison Ivy

Sometimes when you are on a hike, you brush into a plan without noticing, and then before you know it, you are itching or burning with a rash. There are a few ways to treat a rash from poison ivy. A great way to relieve the reaction is to put sliced or mashed cucumbers on the rash. Cucumbers have soothing properties to help give you relief. Another easy way to relieve the itch is with a banana peel. This peel can help to relieve the pain and itch associated with the poison ivy rash.

Dry Hair

Spending time in the sun, saltwater at the ocean, or chlorine in the pool can really damage your hair. Our favorite remedy for this is with a ripe avocado! The Healthy states, “Avocado moisturizes hair shafts and loads them with protein, making them stronger.” Avocados are full of healthy oils and proteins that can really help bring moisture back to your hair.

<span>Photo by <a href="">Yoann Boyer</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a></span>

There can be some common issues during the summer, but you don’t have to worry because there are natural remedies for almost all of them! Using natural items is much safer and oftentimes works even better than yucky chemicals. When you are faced with something that irritates your body or skin, find a natural remedy!