Your eyes might seem like a simple thing that helps you see, but they are actually rather complex. There are lots of things that can go wrong with your eyes and taking good care of them is very important. Gould Vision states, “There are so many parts of the eye that work in conjunction with each other to allow a person to see as they do, and the organ functions completely without conscious thought.” The eyes really are an amazing and very useful organ. Everyone wants to have healthy eyes and good vision, but some people just aren’t blessed with that!

Here on Natural Supplement Guide, we are obviously all about natural things. So of course we wanted to find out if there is a way to naturally help your vision and the overall health of your eyes.

Here are some things we would suggest doing.

Shield your eyes from the sun.

We all know the sun is super powerful and can cause lots of damage to your skin. But the rays are also super harmful to your eyes! Damage from the sun can occur at any time — even when it is a cloudy day or in colder seasons. Because the sun can cause harm to your eyes, it is important to wear sunglasses. Piedmont Healthcare explains, “The most important benefit of wearing sunglasses is that they protect your eyes from ultraviolet (UV) light. UV light can have harmful effects on the eyelid, cornea, lens and retina.” The sun can harm all parts of your eye and can lead to eye problems like cataracts, macular degeneration, eye cancer, and more.

Consume a variety of nutrients.

It’s obvious that eating a balanced diet can boost your overall health but did you know that certain vitamins and minerals can help your eye health? These nutrients you need our found in plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, and beans. We recently wrote a detailed article about avocados and listed many benefits, including that they can help minimize damage in your eyes! Eating a balanced diet can help to boost your eye health and can even slow down or prevent vision loss.

Take a break from technology.

Most of us spend a lot of time during our workday staring at our computers or phones. However, this can leady to dry eyes and other eye problems in the future. Many doctors recommend following a 20-20-20 rule. This means that every 20 minutes, you should take a 20-minute break to look 20 feet away. This will help relieve tension from your eyes and help keep your eyes lubricated. When staring at a screen, you do not blink as often as you should which can cause problems. Cleveland Clinic teaches, “Blinking lubricates the eye, so not blinking can make your eyes feel dry.” This will help reduce eye strain, headaches, dry eyes, and more.

Of course, living a healthy lifestyle will help to boost your overall health which includes your eyes and vision. Be sure to do things like get a good amount of sleep, exercise frequently, use safety protection for your eyes when needed, and take care of yourself. Doing these things will help you to have healthy eyes and prevent future damage and problems with your eyes!